Thursday, June 27, 2013

Six Foods To Help You Focus

Although I'm an advocate of single-tasking, there are instances when even I am forced to multi-task. In such cases, I know that I have to focus on two things at one time. (At the time of writing, I'm listening to my favourite radio station while writing this post). Multi-tasking requires intense focus, which sometimes escapes me for reasons only the universe can explain. Which is why this article by gave me a jolt of reality: food is the answer! The reason I can't focus very well sometimes is because I'm missing out on foods that help me focus. For you lazies who don't want to read the whole article, I've listed the six foods cited in the article: 

1) Berries
2) Whole grains- such as oatmeal, quinoa and barley
3) Omega 3-rich foods such as walnuts, flax seed and chia seeds

Note: Here's a quick recipe for getting enough Omega-3 from Patrick Holford's "Optimum Nutrition": Grind 100g respectively of flax seed, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, almonds and sunflower seeds and mix. Store in the fridge to prevent mixture going rancid. Consume 1 tablespoon of this mixture every day (I like mine in smoothies and with my meals).
4) Leafy greens
5) Caffeine
6) Foods rich in nitric oxide, such as cayenne pepper, jalapenos, dark chocolate and beets


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