Sunday, February 28, 2010

Vegetarian Alternatives To Chicken Soup

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When I was a child, my mother didn't believe in antibiotics when I had the cold. Unless I was sitting for a major exam, she would let the cold  run its course. She would give me herbs, chicken soup or porridge and make me drink lots and lots of water to flush all the toxins from my system. A bowl of chicken soup was the best 'comfort' food for my aching throat and congested chest. My mum would make the chicken soup Indian style too, with a dash of turmeric, tomatoes and lots of spices to drive the fever down. It always worked, for my body and mind.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Snappy Comebacks To The Stupid Things That Carnivores Say

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In my previous post, I talked about sharing your point of view as a vegetarian with family and friends and getting them involved in your new way of life.

While mulling over topics for today's post, I came across an old copy of Vegetarian Times---1996 to be exact---which has a hilarious (and helpful) article for long-suffering vegetarians.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Dealing With Social Pressure: 5 Tips For New Vegetarians

It can be challenging to see eye-to-eye when your diets are different.
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When you live in a meat-obsessed society, becoming vegetarian is perceived as committing social suicide. I like to think of it as 'flock mentality'-- when one bird decides to break away from the flock, feathers will fly. Humans are no different. 

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Classic Vegetarian Quotes

I got a little bored working on my math assignment and thought I'd idle away some time surfing for quotes on the web. There are some pretty funny quotes out there about vegetarianism, here are some of my favourites:

Monday, February 15, 2010

Malaysian Breakfast Ideas For The Visiting Veggie

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One of the toughest things a vegetarian faces when traveling is  getting hold of decent vegetarian fare. In a country like Malaysia, where meat eaters outnumber the herbivores, it pays to do a little homework before you board that flight.