Sunday, July 18, 2010

Helping Our Planet

Meat-eaters often argue that vegetarianism won't save the planet. They're partly right: abstaining from eating animal flesh is not going to help Mother Nature if the same people doing this waste water, don't recycle or separate their trash and continue be liberal with fossil fuel consumption.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Poultry In Motion

"What you looking at?" 
 Photo: Flickr

Growing up in a neighbourhood with a village--or kampung as we Malaysians like to say--close by, I came to learn that animals were not always what they appeared to be. Cats who wag their tails despise you. Barking dogs do bite. Tortoises have a temper and so do rabbits.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

10 Movies That Will Make You Go Vegetarian

"Fiction reveals truths that reality obscures" -Jessamyn West

Most of us live our everyday life in chunks of time: the time before work, work hours and time after work. Food becomes a necessity that sustains us through the day. Days drag on to weeks and weeks turn into months and eventually we end up in one of two camps: the healthy eaters and unhealthy eaters. 

Monday, July 5, 2010

When Eggs Are Off The Table

 Traveling can be tricky when eggs and milk are off the table.
Photo: Flickr

Traveling is a risky business for most vegetarians. When I was traveling in Thailand about seven years ago, I had the hotel desk staff write in Thai on a piece of paper: "This girl is vegetarian. Only eggs and vegetables in food." Not speaking Thai became a non-issue from then on and I went home with my packets of instant noodles left untouched.

Friday, July 2, 2010

"Thirteen" and Bob Harper Named PETA's Sexiest Vegetarian Celebrities

Olivia Wilde (the actress who plays "Thirteen" on medical dramedy House) and The Biggest Loser trainer Bob Harper have been crowned this year's Sexiest Vegetarian Celebrities by PETA. Congrats to them both!